I get a lot of questions about admissions to medical school/residency. Although, I am not an admissions/career counselor, I have a ton of personal experience that I would love to share. If you would like some one-on-one time to discuss, head over to my "Contact" page for more information.
Curious about what med school is like? Here are some of my most popular posts about it :-)
Application Process:
Should I go to Medical School?
Should I go to Medical School?
Year 1:
Year 2:
Internal Medicine
Emergency Medicine
General Surgery
*Surgery Rotation while Pregnant
*More Surgery Rotation while Pregnant
*Even More Surgery Rotation while Pregnant (4th year schedule info included)
Subspecialty Surgery (ENT)
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Night Float & Life Decisions
Year 4:
Breastfeeding and Med School
Parenting and Med School (Student Doctor Network Feature)
Family Life & Staying Organized
Medicine Sub-I/AI (while breastfeeding)
Residency Interviews
Residency Application Process (Accepted Interview 2014)
Match Week
Match Day!
Internal Medicine
Emergency Medicine
General Surgery
*Surgery Rotation while Pregnant
*More Surgery Rotation while Pregnant
*Even More Surgery Rotation while Pregnant (4th year schedule info included)
Subspecialty Surgery (ENT)
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Night Float & Life Decisions
Year 4:
Breastfeeding and Med School
Parenting and Med School (Student Doctor Network Feature)
Family Life & Staying Organized
Medicine Sub-I/AI (while breastfeeding)
Residency Interviews
Residency Application Process (Accepted Interview 2014)
Match Week
Match Day!
Motherhood & Medicine (See It. Do It. Guests):
Since I had the lovely opportunity to go through the application process twice (can you sense the sarcasm?), this is just a list of the things that I learned with the hopes of helping someone else:

But anyway, even though you can always take it again if you aren’t happy with your score, it’s great when you get it right the first time, and don’t have to. Some schools care how many times you take it, and others may not. You should call the admissions office of the schools you are interested in and see. Or consult with MSAR or Student Doctor Net (see below).
**When I studied for the second time with my post-bac program (I increased my score from a 25 to a 30), I had prep class 5x/week for 4 hours in the morning followed by 4 hours of continuous practice questions in the afternoon. This was for 10 weeks before the exam. And get an ExamKrackers book for your weak subject(s)
2. APPLY EARLY! This is especially important if you don’t have as competitive as an application as you would like. It doesn’t hurt to get it in well before the deadline— as deadlines start to approach even some of the greatest applicants may get turned away. (I took the MCAT 8/15, primaries went out by 8/27-ish so when my score came back in september I immediately got interviews set up for November. The first time around I didn't send out my primaries until December, and had interviews in February.)
3. Be prepared to defend weaknesses in your application during an interview - always focusing on how you turned a negative into a positive growing experience.
4. Make sure you have some kind of significant clinical exposure on your resume. This will give you a chance to find out if medicine is really what you want to pursue. If you have something else you think you might like to do for a living, do it...lol
5. Be yourself. If there is a hobby, activity, or skill that you have or love to do, don’t be afraid to talk about it in your interview. The best doctors are the ones that are down to earth and have genuine personalities.
6. REJECTION DOES NOT MEAN IT IS NOT MEANT TO BE! You should be realistic about your application, discuss weaknesses with a counselor or admissions rep, but use it to come back harder next cycle. If this is something that you really feel you are called to do, then go for it, and God will find a way. Don’t let anyone tell you that what you are doing is impossible or cannot be done.
I get a lot of questions about admissions to medical school/residency. Although, I am not an admissions/career counselor, I have a ton of personal experience that I would love to share. If you would like some one-on-one time to discuss, here are some options:
Parenting and Medical School:
I review all of my parenting while pursuing medical education success strategies:
- What worked well for me and what did not
- How to deal with mommy/parent guilt
- Strategies for studying with kids
- Parent-Networking
- Financial things to consider while parenting in medical school
Undergraduate Planning:
For the undergraduate student who is on the pre-med track.- What classes should you take?
- When should you take the MCAT?
- When should you apply?
- What happens when things don't go as planned?
Admission Essay Proofreading:
Includes proof-reading, feedback, and 3 revisions: $50.00
**These services do not guarantee acceptance**