Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
This Week I...
Monday: Completed one of my longest and most detailed patient histories ever - it was at least 45minutes long! And to top it off, I took vitals on a patient too! This is a milestone in my career since this is the first time it was someone who was not related to me or a friend LOL
Tuesday: When I got to class at 8AM (our first 8AM class this year) for Genetics, two of my friends made comments about how they weren't able to make lunch for themselves because they didn't have enough time. I jokingly told them to get it together, because not only had I made my own lunch, I dressed and fed a toddler breakfast, got myself ready, made his lunch, dropped him off at school, and made it to class with time to spare. Boom.
Wednesday: Learned how to suture on a pig's foot! We learned 5 different techniques, and I definitely need some more practice...LOL My favorite technique, The Vertical Metress, is pictured.
And after that day, I started thinking about a career in plastic surgery...hmmm
Thursday: Attended the first SNMA meeting of the year! I am recording secretary, but I also signed up to be Social Chair and on the Sunshine Committee (whose duties include spreading good cheer and motivation to our members throughout the year)...I would have signed up for more, but I am notorious for spreading myself too thin...
Friday: Stayed home with my croupy Love Bug. So glad I did because I can already tell that he is feeling much better. His cough is less "sealy", his apetite is coming back, and his voice isn't as hoarse.
Welp, that's everything in a nut shell. Lots of studying to do this weekend...My first quiz is Wednesday and I have a Neuro web exam next weekend. LEGGO!
Shout out to my brother Josh for moving into his freshman dorm on Wednesday, for Jordan on winning his first football game last night, and to Carey just because he is awesome too!! #BigSisterPride :-)
Don't forget to send your prayers for everyone on the East Coast as they brave hurricane Irene!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Grateful Fridays.
This Grateful Friday is going to be a little bit different, because all week things have been just that - different.
This past Tuesday, we lost a classmate and friend, Annique, when she succumbed to her short battle with a rare form of cancer. Not only was she a fellow medical student, but she was also a woman of great faith, a wife, a mother to two young boys (only 8 and 4 years old), and she was only 37. Yesterday, the Christian Medical Association held a time of remembrance in her honor where those who knew her could come and share their memories.
It is evident that Annique was a special person - captivating the attention of a room with her beaming smile and touching the hearts of everyone with her love - no matter if they were a close friend or stranger. Even in her last days, Annique showed a strength and unshaken faith that we all aspire to possess. My heart aches for the family she left behind, and I pray that God gives them the peace that passes all understanding.
I know that she is with her Father, suffering no more, and although it is times like these when I wonder why things like this happen, I know that His ways are not our ways. A friend at the service quoted Pastor Ramsey as saying, "God does not measure our time here on Earth in years, but instead, He measures it in purpose." In the short time that I knew Annique I saw a woman who was enjoying her journey - the highs and the lows, living each moment to the fullest, and always loving. And today, when everyone began to share similar joy-filled stories of her, I realized that Annique is a testimony of how God wants us to be - an overflowing expression of His love. Even when it may be uncomfortable, even when we are hurting, even if we are stressed out, we are always to love. That is just what she did. I feel so blessed and grateful to have known someone like her. She will never be forgotten.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
But life goes on and we gotta keep on cruisin'...
Pumpkin's got the right idea :-)
Happy Hump Day!
It is Wednesday, right?
Monday, August 22, 2011
Music Monday
We watch and we wait Lord we anticipate...
the moment, you choose to appear.
We worship we praise until there's no debate,
and we recognize you're already here.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hal-le-lu-jah
Hallelujah... you're already here.
Hallelujah...You're already here.
Oh God.
We watch and we wait Lord we anticipate...
the moment, You choose to appear.
We worship we praise until there's no debate,
and we recognize You're already here.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hal-le-lu-jah
Hallelujah... You're already here.
Hallelujah...You're already here.
Oh God.
Hallelujah... Hallelujah
You're here
The balm for my wounded soul
You're here,
God, because You choose to make us whole.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Here We Go!
Last week was exhausting to say the least. We had NO type of transitional period whatsoever. Aside from the traditional first day introductions, all of our classes dove right in - we even interviewed patients!
Here's what I did on my first day as an M2:
9AM: Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM) Lecture
10AM: Neuroscience Lecture
11AM: Lunch
12PM: Pathology Lecture
1-4PM: ICM Small Group at the Hospital
This was pretty much our schedule the whole week - aside from afternoons being flipped flopped for pathology lab. This week we start Genetics too.
I have noticed that although this is going to be a crazy hectic year, every class that we are taking now is clinically relevant to the everyday practice of medicine. Yes, Biochemistry and CMB are full of principles we need to be good clinicians, but this year it just seems so much more hands-on. For example, right now we are learning about Psychiatry in ICM, and on Friday, a patient with schizophrenia came in to speak with us and allowed us to do a mental status exam. SUPER interesting!
Natey did great with the new schedule. We have been getting up a lot earlier than needed (like around 6AM) because this upcoming week I have to be in class at 8AM, and wanted to get used to it ahead of time. I think a big part of why the mornings have been going well is because we decided to get Direct TV, and The Fresh Beat Band (one of Nate's absolute favs) comes on at 6:30. This is perfect timing, because he'll dance right out of bed for them :-D
Aside from being deliriously tired when I get home, I, of course, have a big case of "Mommy Guilt" because of how long he is at daycare compared to how long he is at home. I have to drop him off at daycare around 7:30 and I wasn't able to pick him up until 4. This week, I'll be staying at school after class for a bit, so his Dad will have to get him and that won't be until after 5 :-(
Well, I think overall it was a pretty good first week, and I know it's going to be a great year :-)
In the words of the Fresh Beats, "Here we go!" :-D
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
And the Winner Is...
Thanks to everyone for entering!!
Be sure to check back for future giveaways :-D
Monday, August 15, 2011
Music Monday
Closer to my dreams
Getting over, I’m gettin’ higher
Closer to my dreams
I’m getting higher and higher
Feel it in my sleep
Some times it feels like I’ll never go pass again
Some times it feels like I’m stuck forever and ever
When I’m going higher
Closer to my dreams
I’m goin’ higher and higher
I ain’t gonna sleep
Some times you just have to let it go (Let it go, let
it go)
Leaving all my fears to burn down
Push them away so I can move on
Closer to my dreams
Feel it all over my being
Close your eyes and see what you believe
I’m happy as long as we’re apart
Then I’m moving on to my dreams
I’ll be moving higher (Moving higher)
Closer to my dreams
And higher and higher, higher
Feel it in my being (I can feel it flow around me)
I know that I could not go alone (No, no)
I’m moving higher (Higher), oh...
I’m going higher and higher and higher (Higher and
Closer to my dreams (Higher and higher, oh...oh...)
I’m moving upward and onward and beyond all I can see
(Stretching out my arms so I can breathe)
Feels so close it’s like strange
I can feel my dreams (Closer to my dreams)
I’m moving closer to my dreams
I’m moving (Higher and higher) higher and higher
(Higher and higher)
Moving higher, ho...
Some times it feels like you never gon’ change (Never
gon’ change)
But you never choose to walk away
Why Medical School is Easier Than Being a Parent

Well, today is the day I am back to the daily class grind for the first time since May. It's all out until graduation, so I would really appreciate your prayers!
10. When sitting somewhere for a long period of time, you don't have to bring with you an abundance of snacks, books, toys, and other distractive devices - in addition to anything you may need for yourself. Although sometimes we do try to distract ourselves from falling asleep in lectures...
9. Stinky odors stay in the anatomy lab, and they are not your responsibility to get rid of.
8. You don't have to make sure you have a "nap time blanket" washed and packed every Sunday night for the week...
7. Wearing the tools of the trade (i.e. white coat, stethoscope, etc.) make people automatically assume you know stuff, but carrying/wearing mommy "tools" (i.e. diaper bag, bottle, comfortable shoes) makes people tell you that you look tired -_-
Gee, thanks...
6. Everyone understands the concept of personal space.
5. After lunchtime, no one starts getting extremely irritable, unable to make decisions, or do any work until they take at least an hour nap.
4. Your patients don't come home with you, sleep in your bed, and wipe their snot on your shirt.
3. At the end of the four years, you start getting a $alary for doing what you do.
2. No one asks you when you're going to add "another med school" to the mix, and you feel no pressure to do so...
1. There is no curve, and if you fail a class (opposed to parenting), you can do it over at least once before they kick you out...
Chris Rock said his job as a father is to keep his girls "off the pole" LMBO Parenting is such a challenging job and unlike in medical school, your performance on raising your child is not curved based on the performance of your peers.
Happy Back to School!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Grateful Fridays.
I'm thankful for...

Textbooks That Give Back :Sponsor:

- On their site you can search by title, author, keyword, or ISBN number to find your books for class, and you can RENT them for a summer, trimester, semester, or however long you want for a MUCH MUCH smaller fee (40-90% less) than cashing out on all your books.
- You can write and/or highlight in them (a must for those active readers like myself).
- You can buy the book if you change your mind at the end of your rental.
- There is free shipping both ways.
- Oh, and if the book is outdated, they'll still take it back!

"Since 1982, Operation Smile — through the help of dedicated medical volunteers — has provided more than 2 million patient evaluations and over 200,000 free surgeries for children and young adults born with cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities.
As one of the most prominent children’s charities in the world and with a presence in over 60 countries, we are able to heal children’s smiles and bring hope for a better future."
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Check Me Out Today on the YML {She Inspires}!
Posters Aren't Just for School Anymore... **UPrinting Giveaway!**

Are you decorating your new dorm? Or you want to fill a blank wall in your home with a nice decorative print or portrait? Or maybe you need cool sign for your budding business... Then you absolutely need to check out UPrinting. It's a great resource for online, professional printing for everything from business cards, to greeting cards, to posters. All you have to do is upload the image you want printed and voila!
Needless to say, I am very excited to announce that the lovely people at UPrinting have asked me to host a giveaway!
- ONE of my readers will win a 18"x 24" poster (almost a $22.00 value!)
- The poster can be Semi Gloss or High Gloss finish
- There is a 1 Business Day turnaround on your order

While the UPrinting
Giveaway is an equal opportunity for all consumers,
entries must follow these guidelines:
Only be open to those who live in the U.S.
Must be 18 years or older to enter.
Those who have won a UPrinting prize within the past 6 months are ineligible to enter.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Learning About His "Crazy Love"

Last week, I finished a book recommended by a friend called Crazy Love, and I think it was a perfect finale to my summer's (unintentional) theme of growing in my faith. The book, written by Francis Chan, challenges Christians in a society that thrives on "me" and attaining the "American Dream" to refocus on God. He calls us not only see all of the excesses in our life, but how we might put our resources (monetary or otherwise) toward the Great Commission.
He says that we are touched and moved emotionally by stories we hear of "All Star Christians" and how they took up their cross, but then we disbar ourselves from responsibility by saying we could never do something "so extreme" today. Chan acknowledges that everyone's calling is not to be an international missionary or to quit their day job or sell their house, but he does call us to find out what it means for us in our individual walks to extend and share God's love with others. He even gives some awesomely amazing stories of modern day Christians that are/were living examples of using gifts for Kingdom work.
What I liked most about the book is that it did not leave you feeling discouraged or inadequate for not being an all star all the time. But it did make you honestly see things in your life for what they are, see God for who He is, the "crazy love" that He has for all of us, and make you want to be a better person and Christian by always extending that love to others. I'll end with this passage from the book (it moved me to tears when I read it) that is an example of what I mean:
"So God assesses our lives based on how we love. But the word love is so overused and worn out. What does God mean by love? He tells us,Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things...- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8I was challenged to do a little exercise with these verses, one that was profoundly convicting. Take the phrase Love is patient and substitute your name for the word love. (For me, "Francis is patient...") Do it for every phrase in the passage.By the end, don't you feel like a liar? If I am meant to represent what love is, then I often fail to love people well.Following Christ isn't something that can be done halfheartedly or on the side. It is not a label we can display when it is useful. It must be central to everything we do and are (95)."
Monday, August 8, 2011
Music Monday
Happy Monday!
I've had my share of ups and downs,
Times when there was no one around,
God came and spoke these words to me,
Praise will confuse the enemy.
I've had my share of ups and downs,
Times when there was no one around,
God came and spoke these words to me,
Praise will confuse the enemy.
I started singing,
I started clapping,
I started dancing,
People were laughing,
They knew my problems,
They knew my pain,
But I knew God would take them away.
I've had my share of ups and downs,
Times when there was no one around,
God came and spoke these words to me,
Praise will confuse the enemy.
I started singing,
I started clapping,
I started dancing,
People were laughing,
They knew my problems,
They knew my pain,
But I knew God would take them away.
That's why I praise him with my hands,
That's why I praise him with a dance,
He's given me a second chance,
Come on let's praise him in advance.
That's why I praise him with a song,
When things are right and when they're wrong,
He's given me a second chance,
Come on let's praise Him in advance
Praise Him, Praise Him
Praise Him, Praise Him
Praise Him, Praise Him
Praise Him in advance
Praise Him, Praise Him
Praise Him, Praise Him
For my life, (I will) Praise Him
Praise Him in advance
Praise Him, Praise Him
Praise Him, Praise Him
When I'm broke, (I will) Praise Him
Praise Him in advance...
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Happy Birthday to Me and Why I'm Feeling So Blessed...

And the Winners Are...

Congratulations to Gerri, Chasing Joy, and Jeremiah on winning the "I Love Beef" Prize Packs!! I can't wait to hear about all of your new and yummy recipes!!
Please send me an email with your address so I can get your prizes to you in a timely fashion :-)
Thanks to all of you who took the time to enter the contest, and be on the look out for more!