Because of all our traveling, it has gone out the window. And there was that random week he didn't want to take a nap until 2PM, which threw everything after that off - including bed time.
When he had a stint of staying up late and "sleeping in" (9AM), I got a beautiful taste of what it's like to drink my coffee without someone climbing all over me almost spilling my cup with "What's that, Mommy? Copee? (Coffee)" #PEACE
Working out at nap time is a great idea in theory, but when you have been up all day entertaining a toddler, the last thing you want to do is listen to Jillian Michaels talk about how you need to "show up to your workout and not 'phone it in'." In fact, you might want to take a nap too... My face: 0_O
There is also this toddler paradox I am learning about where they want to be touching you in some way (such as sitting on your lap or leaning on you), but if you try and touch them in anyway they quickly scream "No Mommy!". So touch but no touch. Got it...
Oh and my child likes to play Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, and Monkey PreSchool...Not sure if a child's iPhone usage correlates to his/her parenting skills... ¯\(°_°)/¯
We are still doing our "home schooling" program and he is doing well...
Despite the meltdowns (on both ends), he's happy. So I can still give myself an A for performance and an A for effort...
I'm always so hard on myself, but I had big dreams for the summer with my pumpkin and right now things are kind of chaotic. I think the lesson in this happy chaos is that parenting doesn't have to be right on schedule or absent of meltdowns be considered a success...
What lessons have you learned about yourself and parenting when things didn't go quite as planned?