Pastor Ramsey is still talking about the mechanics of faith. Tonight he talked about how along with faith, we need to have patience. A lot of it resonated with me so, of course, I want to share:
"Patience is the Partner of Faith" Hebrews 4:14
- The faith process always involves a FAITH FIGHT. This means that at some point what you are believing God for is going to be challenged by your circumstances.
- Sometimes when what you are believing for doesn't seem to work out on your clock, you start to re-interpret the plan of God and say things like "Maybe this just isn't God's will..." or we may try to go around God to get to what we want; this is not faith in action...
- Our words frame the world we live in. For that reason, we need to practice "mouth management". Not everything we think or feel needs to be tweeted, on Facebook, said etc. , because what comes out of our mouth either releases the assistance of angels or demons.
- Our confession should be based only on the Word, because God doesn't do what we say, but He has to do what He says.
- I need to make sure that what I am talking about is what I want to be seeing - our words create images.
- Hebrews 12:6 "follow folks with faith AND patience". This means that I need: 1. faith 2. patience 3. faith mentors - you have to surround yourself with the right people
- Hebrews 6:12 do not become sluggish or lazy while waiting for His promises. "Pray like it depends on God but work like it depends on you."***
- When we try and give birth to what we are believing for prematurely, that's not God's will...ex: if we are believing for a marriage and that is what God has for you, you cannot try and give birth to that vision too soon. The end result will be that you have a premature relationship. Then you have to give it oxygen and everything else just to make it survive... (I thought this was a GREAT analogy)
- Your faith will stop the devil from being able to consume you in that certain situation. So you have to keep your faith!
- He closed by saying if you were to die tonight, would you go to heaven still mad at God about something He hadn't yet done for you? This is a sign that you are deceived into thinking that happiness is a location. Why can't you declare the goodness of the Lord in your situation? If you cannot rejoice in God for what He's done today, then you obviously don't have enough faith to get what you want tomorrow... "I got bills, but guess what? I can pay them!"
- When you keep your attitude satisfied, it makes you even more appreciate when what you are believing for comes to pass.
Have a great rest of the week everyone! This definitely filled me up and challenges me to put some more of my faith in action...