So yesterday was the first day being home with the little one for summer and I must say that it went off without a hitch! I decided that the best way to go about things with a toddler is with some order and a flexible schedule. I must say that keeping a toddler occupied AND a house in order is much harder than just going to the library to study (I couldn't even get a blog post in)...but it's a lot more fun :-)
6:30AM Wake-up: Before Hubby leaves for work so we can say "bye".
We haven't executed the 6:30 wake-up yet (an early morning investment for some early evening QT with the hubby), but it's only been two days so give me a break. We'll get there...
School-like Activities: Yesterday it was helping him to recognize his name (and Elmo's name since he is such a fan...lol), what to say when someone asks how old he is, coloring, and we did 15 minutes of "Your Baby Can Read" - my mom bought it for us when he was like 5months old, but I haven't ever stuck with it, so maybe we can get him reading Dickens by August (Joking...lol)
Backyard Playtime (weather permitting, yesterday was lovely so it was)
***Naptime*** shooting for a target sleep time @ 12PM (I was so excited yesterday when it worked!)
Wake-up around 2PM
Playtime/Help Mommy get ready to start dinner time until Daddy gets home
I was able to get a 30minute Jillian Michaels workout in during his nap (and tried to clean, plan meals, and our activities for this week) and when "Da" got home, I was able to go to the gym - I had to work out extra hard because being at home = lots of snacking :-/
Okay, well I think we are going to try and get to story time at the Library today. Parents, let me know if you have any other summer vacation activity suggestions, because...
Have a great day!