The Mrs. The Mommy. The M.D.: When Words Fail Me...
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

When Words Fail Me...

I use someone else's (LOL). Here is an excerpt from one of the devotionals I got in August, and I thought I'd share. Whatever storm or challenge you are going through, keep pushing! It's only temporary, and it is making us better equipped to walk in our purpose.
"Some of us have assignments right now that require us to be reassured by Jesus on a constant basis that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Some of us have had those assignments that require only a little from us, and as a result, we’ve been able to handle it. 
But now, there’s a greater assignment in front of us and God desires to equip us to handle that assignment. The greater the assignment, the greater the anointing.  
The challenge is going to be greater, the requirement will be greater, the struggle harder, the disappointment deeper, the doubt more prevailing, and the battles more frequent. But that’s okay, because the Greater the Assignment, the Greater the Anointing." - Dr. Marvin Moss
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