The Mrs. The Mommy. The M.D.: Being Proactive, Intentional, and Better in 2013
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Being Proactive, Intentional, and Better in 2013

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"You show that you believe in your future by planning for it."

Yes, this post is kind of about my New Year's resolutions. I wrote them down but never posted them. Don't judge. Anyway, last year I put my resolutions here, and I'm proud to say that I really did work hard on doing them! I think that since we are now halfway through 2013 (still cannot get over how fast time is flying), it is a good time to look at if I am moving to the next level this year like I want to..

One of the biggest blessings in 2012 was that I learned how to be content with where I am. In no way is my life perfect, but when I think of how far I have come, I can't help but be at peace because I know that God is still working on me, and for that I am so so SO thankful.
1. I think I say this every year, but I want to eat better and make it a lifestyle change. I would love to have a more health conscious pregnancy (including increasing my physical activity) and now that I am in the home stretch I want to make sure , and I started working on that. In 2012, I made some pretty consistent effort at times to take my long term health into consideration when I chose food but I think I need to step it up a notch. Maybe no fried food? Pescatarian? Less red meat? More salads?

2. In 2012, I also took more conscientious steps towards making sure I took care of myself - i.e. monthly pedis with a friend, frequent hair appointments, buying cute clothes for my rotations, so i think I will just continue to keep that up.... ;-)

3. In 2013, I wanted to commit to a specialty...DONE!

4. In 2013, I will continue to read The Word consistently and become more active in church. I definitely fell off towards the end of 2012 and still feel really disconnected from God. I have to keep reminding myself that He doesn't disconnect from me, I just need to stay connected to Him.

5. In 2012, I struggled most with balancing all of the responsibilities of my constantly busy life. I think that for 2013 I need to be more specific about what my definition of being a great wife, mother, and student are. I have this pieced together image, both realistic and non, and I think it would be to my benefit and sanity to hold myself to my own standard.

Can you believe it is already June?! How are you doing on your 2013 goals? 

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