- Abraham Lincoln

Anyone who knows me beyond this blog knows that my mom and I are very close. So, of course, when I start paying tribute to some of the amazing moms in my life she is first on my list!

I was trying to figure out what all to include in this post, and I got overwhelmed, because when I think about all that my mom has been through and accomplished: supporting our family as a businesswoman while my dad was in medical school and residency, encouraging, organizing, and helping my dad to build his own practice, serving as business manager of their business, and now going back to school to take on a career in project management - In addition to putting everything she has/had into raising four children into caring, intelligent, successful, and confident young adults...
Yeah, I was kind of beeping my own horn there, but you know what I am trying to do...
Oh, and did I mention my mom is BEAUTIFUL? I'm trying to step my game up...Everyone thinks we are sisters when we are out together - and it's NOT because I look old... #BlessedwithGREATgenes
In my two years of being a mother, I have realized that for the past almost 24 years I have been blessed with one of the most wonderful examples of motherhood.

Yes, my mom and I don't see eye to eye on everything, and things get a little crazy at times, but at the end of the day I feel like if I am half the woman she is then I am doing alright.
Here are just some of the things I have learned from my mom that I hope to pass on to my own children:

~Family takes care of each other: No matter what my three brothers and I were disagreeing about, she always reminded us that we are supposed to always take care of each other and have each others' backs...
~Don't wait to tell people that you love and appreciate them: My mom is the originator of our going around the table and sharing "Why (insert name here) is special.." tradition on every birthday, and "What we are thankful for..." on the holidays...

I am so proud to call her my mother, and thankful to have her in my life.
Happy Mother's Day! I love you, Mommy Dearest xoxo